WCSPA: The Pod
WCSPA: The Pod, is our cute little home for vocal performances, personal interviews, and behind-the-scenes features. We are closer than ever and with just a click you can experience this exclusive content when you want it most--yet another place for the Warren Consolidated School of Performing Arts to share their love of theatre with YOU!
WCSPA: The Pod
The Show that Changed My Life (Talk)
Season 1
Episode 5
For anyone that does theatre, there is always a show that they either see, hear or take part in that changed their course in life forever. On this episode each of the WCSPA staff describe that special show or shows that changed them once and for all and led them on the path to where they are today.
Contributors: Jonathan Gillespie, Erik Hart, Cori Callahan, Mark Sharrow and Nick Osenberg